Elite: Dangerous to focus on SteamVR, no official support for Rift past 0.6 [UPDATED]

UPDATE: Frontier made a mistake in their wording and got the industry heated about their exclusivity with Valve over Steam VR but it turns out that they are still working with Oculus but they are throwing Steam VR into the mix and giving that slightly more focus. That’s all.


While Elite: Dangerous was well known for its support and pioneering in VR by being the flagship game to be demoed with the Oculus Rift, they have decided to turn their efforts in another direction.

Frontier Developments will not officially support the Rift past 0.6 SDK. This means that the DK1 and DK2 will work as they always have but the consumer version won’t be supported officially.


However, VR will still be a feature that is at the forefront of the game with full support diverted to Steam VR. This means that if you are waiting for HTC Vive in lieu of Oculus’ recent price announcement, you’ll be in good hands with E:D.

The Vive HMD surpasses the Rift in capabilities by offering room-wide movement. When E:D releases their player avatars and multi-crewed ships update later this year, they may very well use this new feature offered by the Vive and will therefore offer you the best possible experience.


E:D Horizons

Even without the room-wide movement, VR is more than enough to pilot a ship and be immersed in the supermassive galaxy that is Elite: Dangerous.

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