Tagged: rift
GTX 970 and R9 290 confirmed to run most Oculus and Vive Games
According to a recent survey taken by PC Gamer, alongside confirmation from Valve at CES that a 970 will be able to run most of the games. Developers that were polled at the event...
Elite: Dangerous to focus on SteamVR, no official support for Rift past 0.6 [UPDATED]
UPDATE: Frontier made a mistake in their wording and got the industry heated about their exclusivity with Valve over Steam VR but it turns out that they are still working with Oculus but they...
Oculus Rift price confirmed at $599
The Oculus Rift preorders are now available. It can be preordered for the cool price of $599. Each piece ships with EVE: Valkyrie at no extra cost so that’s always a good game to...
No chance of Rift preorders “selling out” says Luckey
According to Palmer Luckey’s recent tweet, the Oculus Rift will not sell out. Even if the current stock manages to be depleted, new preorders will simply ship at a later date but you will...
Oculus Rift pre-orders still on track for New Year
The founder of the Oculus Rift tweeted recently that the pioneering HMD will launch in Q1 2016 as planned. It is “on-target” and is expected to come “soon after the new year.” The founder...
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